Summer is just around the corner. Sitting under a shady tree and soaking in the warmth provides the perfect ingredients for one of my favorite activities: contemplation. My pup, Sadie is up for anything, so she rests quietly beside me, nose on paws, waiting to see what happens. Cheap entertainment.

I’ve been thinking about superpowers. I know we all have them, and I’m trying to laser focus in on mine. However, I am surrounded with those whose superpowers ooze out of the very air they breathe.

I’ll start with Sadie, my faithful companion with a wet nose, a penchant for ‘shake’ and sheer adoration for hot dogs and doggie ice cream. Her superpower was firmly established when I brought her home as a pup. Pure love. If you are a dog lover, you know what I mean. She trusts. She counts on me to feed her, provide water, walks and lots of love, but she doesn’t worry about it, stay awake at night with anxiety or ruminate. I walk to the door and grab her leash, and she is instantly joyful, ready to go.

I think about my grandkids. Kaylin, age 14 has the superpowers of wisdom and resilience. She is what my mom would call an ‘old soul,’ someone who was born with a divine plan and huge heart. She is smart, has tons of courage and navigates her life with a maturity and grace that astounds me.

And then there is Kason, age 9. He rocks superpowers of extreme kindness, care, and positivity. His inner light and spirit shines so brightly, I’m pretty sure we could use it to power the grid if we ever needed to. When I talk to Kason, my heart opens even wider from his precious energy and presence.

Little Nolan is 4, and his superpowers grow all the time. He has the best imagination and shares willingly his adventures of dinosaur watching, Harry Potter spells and the wonder of rolly polly bugs when we go for nature walks. He lives in the moment, a dynamo of pureness. When he’s sad, he’s sad. When he’s mad, he’s mad. But he is always shimmering sweetness.

If you are in my circle of family and friends, I recognize your superpower. I wish I could list them here, because I am constantly in awe and have great respect for each of you. There is a collective web constantly spinning chock full of magic and wonder. And each of you has a part in creating that. So, if you ever doubt or need a bit of encouragement, comment below or send me a message, and I would be honored to share what I see your superpower as.

So, I’ll continue the adventure of excavating mine. When you are surrounded with inspiration, it rubs off, I am sure. Sadie and I are both enjoying the superpower of Mother Nature, who never disappoints.

Until next time friends, live a great story.